Why join GCBA? |
Joining the Gwinnett County Bar Asscoiation is the way for lawyers working and living in the Gwinnett County area to connect with other lawyers and to serve the community where we live and work. We offer monthly meetings, continuing education. community outreach, and social programs with other lawyers and judges in the Gwinnett area.
GCBA offers many opportunities to get involved in local government and to learn more about the Gwinnett government and community. We often have speakers at our monthly luncheons from a variety of offices within local, state, and federal government.
We have so many opporotunities to sponsor events in our community or to serve the community at large. We offer members the opportunity to be published in our monthly newsletters.
Potential clients will know that you are "in the know" about the goings and comings in the Gwinnett County legal community.
Monthly luncheons, continuing education, holiday parties, Law Day celebrations, social events, and community service programming create the perfect opportunity for you to network with lawyers and judges in the Gwinnett community. |
GCBA events and programs provide members with great opportunities to get to know new people and expand their prospect base. GCBA events are innovative and fun ways to help members meet potential referrals, potential clients, and other lawyers and judges in the Gwinentt community.
The chamber’s fundamental mission is to generate more business activity for the community. The chamber initiates more business-to-business commerce and more opportunities for networking and connecting local professionals than is available through most other local organizations.
Subscribe to our Find An Attorney Listing. We also offer opportunities to connect and network with other attorneys and judges in the community.
Newsletters provide new member information, interesting information about operating a local law firm, articles about the local community, legal news, a community calendar and details about up-and-coming GCBA events, among other things. |